Call Operator & Field Worker Jobs In Lahore

Good News for Middle | Matric | Intermediate Bachelor, and BA Degree Holders: Call Operator & Field Worker Jobs In Lahore

Date Posted / Updated 10 October 2023
Expected Last Date 30 November 2023 or as per the paper ad
Category / Sector Classifieds
Newspaper Nawaiwaqt Jobs
Education Middle | Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor | BA | MA |
Jobs Location Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Organization Private Company
Job Industry Executive Jobs
Job Type Full Time
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Latest News, Private Company announced Management Jobs in Lahore.

A leading private company, as per its jobs advertisement dated around October 10, 2023, in the daily Nawaiwaqt Newspaper, is inviting applications for various vacant positions. The company is looking to fill roles such as Manager, Field Staff, Accountant, Female Office Staff, Office Staff, Office Boy, Helper, Field Worker, Female Manager, Clerk, Call Operator, and Security Supervisor in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

Applicants with diverse educational backgrounds, including BA, Matric, B.Com, Middle, Bachelor, Intermediate, and MA, are encouraged to apply based on the specific qualifications required for each position.

The Private Company is offering opportunities for classified executive jobs and other executive roles. Interested candidates can submit their applications by November 30, 2023, or as per the closing date mentioned in the newspaper advertisement. To learn about the application process and details regarding the latest job opportunities at the Private Company, it is recommended to read the complete advertisement online.

Additionally, individuals seeking these positions are encouraged to enhance their skill set by acquiring expertise in areas such as Field Sales Management, Accounting, Security, and Finance. Acquiring these skills can significantly improve your chances of securing a position within the Private Company.

Moreover, the employer is providing accommodation and food facilities, making it an even more attractive opportunity for potential candidates. Don't miss out on the chance to join a dynamic and growing private company. Learn more about these job opportunities by checking the complete advertisement online and apply to embark on a rewarding career path.

Call Operator & Field Worker Jobs In Lahore

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