Accountant & Office Boy Jobs In Lahore

Good News for Middle | Matric | Intermediate Bachelor, and Degree Holders: Accountant & Office Boy Jobs In Lahore

Date Posted / Updated 11 October 2023
Expected Last Date 30 November 2023 or as per the paper ad
Category / Sector Classifieds
Newspaper Nawaiwaqt Jobs
Education Middle | Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor | | | D.Com
Jobs Location Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Organization Private Company
Job Industry Management  Jobs
Job Type Full Time
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Latest News, Private Company announced Management Jobs in Lahore.

A Private Company, located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, is actively seeking candidates for various positions, as outlined in the job advertisement published in the daily Nawaiwaqt Newspaper on October 11, 2023. The available roles include:

1. Accountant
2. Female Office Staff
3. Field Staff
4. Clerk
5. Security Staff
6. Female Manager
7. Field Worker
8. Security Guard
9. Office Staff
10. Office Boy
11. Manager
12. Helper
13. Call Operator

Applicants with educational backgrounds such as Matric, B.Com, Bachelor, I.Com, Intermediate, Middle, and equivalent qualifications are eligible to apply.

These job opportunities fall under the latest Classifieds jobs within the Private Company, spanning across Management and other sectors. Interested individuals can submit their applications by November 30, 2023, or in accordance with the closing date specified in the newspaper advertisement. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the application process for the latest job openings in the Private Company, it is recommended to read the complete advertisement available online.

Prospective candidates are encouraged to acquire skills such as Management, Accounting, Telephone Handling, and Field Sales Management to confidently apply for these positions within the Private Company. Additionally, facilities such as accommodation, medical services, and food may be provided to selected candidates.

Accountant & Office Boy Jobs In Lahore

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