Private Company jobs in Lahore

Good News for Middle | Matric | Intermediate Bachelor, and Master Degree Holders: Private Company Jobs In Lahore

Date Posted / Updated 11 October 2023
Expected Last Date 10 November 2023 or as per the paper ad
Category / Sector Classifieds
Newspaper Khabrain Jobs
Education Middle | Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor | Master | |
Jobs Location Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Organization Private Company
Job Industry Management Jobs
Job Type Full Time
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Latest News, Private Company announced Management Jobs in Lahore.

A Private Company is currently seeking qualified individuals for various positions, as indicated in the job advertisement published in the daily Khabrain Newspaper on October 11, 2023, with the job locations in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. The available posts include:

1. Accountant
2. Manager
3. Supervisor
4. Office Boy
5. Male Staff
6. Call Operator
7. Helper
8. Computer Operator
9. Female Staff
10. Clerk

Interested candidates with educational qualifications ranging from B.Com, Middle, Bachelor, Master, M.Com, Intermediate, to Matric are encouraged to apply.

These job opportunities fall under the latest classified management jobs offered by the Private Company. Prospective applicants can submit their applications until the closing date specified in the newspaper advertisement or until an undefined date. For detailed information on how to apply for these positions within the Private Company, please refer to the complete advertisement available online.

Private Company jobs in Lahore

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